Focus on what you can control and let the rest go. For myself, I have chronic vestibule migraines which lead to visual snow syndrome. The vestibule migraines and visual snow syndrome have to be managed. Both syndromes have a spectrum of severity so be your advocate and do not let anyone else tell you how you are feeling. Focus on what you can do and not on what you cannot. Be patient with yourself. Be mindful of how your body feels and what helps and does not. I cannot focus without getting dizzy so I listen to audiobooks. I found myself squinting all the time even with the migraine glasses so now I wear glacier glasses with the side shields and it is so much better. Weather changes make things worse and so does any change in emotion, whether excitement or anger. Even though I have the correct prescription for my eyes, things are blurry and moving in my vision. Looking at the blue sky or anything of one color is torture because you see all of the static and crap in your vision that should not be there. Management, management, management.